Greetings World Famed Alumni Band Members!

Welcome to the official website of the World Famed Alumni Association, Inc., a Louisiana non-profit organization. The World Famed Tiger Marching Band is the trendsetter for all HBCU marching bands while establishing high standards worldwide. All alumni band members have an undying, deep love for our band, and now we all are coming together to be “One Band! One Voice!” Our purpose is to unite alumni band members from all generations to support the current band members and directors. Our organization will set high standards as the World Famed has done in years past.

Our World Famed, which began with instruments purchased from Sears & Roebuck in 1926, has become the gold standard of HBCU bands since its small beginnings. Our organization will conduct various fundraising events for scholarships and other financial needs to continue promoting our brand. The call is being sent out to all alumni band members to fall into formation in this dynamic, innovative organization. The ultimate parade and field show starts now, so bring your skills and talents to support our band as “One Band! One Voice!”

I am honored to be elected the initial President of our organization as we all honor our amazing, groundbreaking history. Join us as “One Band! One Voice!”

Keith D. Howell, President